Saturday, October 6, 2012

24 Hours of Magic

With the "big cheese" himself (Get it? Big cheese? Cause he's a giant mouse? this thing on?)

For my eighteenth birthday, my dad sent me and my best friend, Emily to Disneyland for Leap Day. This is probably the best gift I could ever receive since I have loved all things Disney for my entire life. Em and I have watched about every Disney movie ever made together over our 15 years of forced friendship. So we decided to dress up for this one day of pure joy. Em is Minnie Mouse and I'm Snow White, my idol. 

Disneyland at 6am.

Em has a little sister who was 4 at the time, so we took a bunch of pictures with the characters and put them in an autograph book for her. It might have been for us as well.... We were definitely more excited than all of the little girls to meet the princesses. 

Em and Minnie match <3 

I love Snow White so much!! We look the same, right?
This is the day after the 24 hours. All day and all night wasn't enough for us.
Em also made a video of our 24 hours in Disneyland. Ok, it was only 20 hours because we didn't get there until 10am, but can you blame us? 6am is far too early.

And that was 24 (ok, 20) hours of magic. Em and I are currently talking about going again in January. That is less than a year since our last visit. I think we should go to Disney World just to switch it up a bit, plus then we could go to Harry Potter Land.

Some people may call this an obsession, but I like to like of it as dedication. Plus, there can't be anything wrong with this kind of love because Disneyland is happiness and happiness is never wrong :)

1 comment:

  1. Love love love! Yes, definitely come east to Disneyworld. Also, I TOTALLY got your big cheese joke.
